But this will be for me mostly - i don't want to waste space with hjkl.. ;)
- link
- fold: mark area and then zf or zfj2 without marking
- fold brackets: zfa}
- fold jumping: zj zk
- fold open: single: zo all:zO
- link
- mark mx ?
x is a letter
capital x means global mark - jump `x or 'x
- list :marks
Yank Buffer
- link
- "xd$?x is a letter, 1 is last, 1-9 LIFO
- "xdp
- qa .. .. q
- @a
- link
- Grouping with \( and \)
- ZZ - quicksave
- :x - exit and save when changes
- :s/bla/blub/gc - replaces bla with blub and asks for confirmation
- :g/hier bla/s/bla/blub/g - replaces bla with blub on all lines containing "hier bla"
- :ab code some text - will create an abbrevation for "some text" and replace code always with it (in insert mode and also in : mode) :unab removes, :ab lists
- :map x sequence - maps the sequence to key x (g,K,q)
- @x will execute the commands inside the named buffer x
ex editor
- :1 line 1
- :. current line (no number defaults to current line also)
- :$ last line
- :% every line (1,$)
- :/pattern/ next line containing a pattern
- :1,3 line 1-3
- :100,+5 line 100-current line+5
- :100;+5 line 100-105
- :1,.+20 line 1-current+20
- :1,3# temporary display line 1-3
- :1,3y yank line 1-3
- :g/pattern/# temp displays all patterns
- :1,3g/pattern/# temp displays all patterns between line 1-3
- :r file - read a file and insert it at the current cursor
Tabs - useful?
- link
- open:
- :tabnew filename
- vim -p filenames
- :tabf find filename in current path
- browse:
- gt and gT
- :tabn :tabp
- :tabfirst :tablast
- close: :wqa or :qa