Yii properties for PHPStorm
Many features of PHPStorm aren't possible because, it doesn't know the class attributes of a CActiveRecord class.I wrote a command line util, which fixes this.
What is the basic concept?
It is possible to tell PHPStorm which attributes exist, if you add a Phpdoc comment before the class with @property type name.It is possible to tell PHPStorm the class it is using, with adding a @return before the model() function which hints the classname and adding @method before the class which hints, the classname again.
For example:
* @property int id
* @property string name
* @method User|CActiveRecord findByPk()
class User extends CActiveRecord
/** @return User|CActiveRecord */
public static function model($classname=__CLASS__) {
What does my script do?
To simplify this process my Script adds the @property and @method before the all classes. Additionally it would also add the stuff from relations() as @property with the correct type.How the script works internally
- Walk through all files in a "/models/" directory
- Extract the tablename from the tableName() function
- Fetch the database information with yii - and map the database type into phpdoc types
- Extract the relations from the relations() function
- Find the class docstring and delete all @property and @method from there
- Add both above informations as @property
- Add some predefined functions as @method
How to run the script?
- Backup your project (It's not my fault if your stuff gets deleted!)
- Copy the 2 files inside your yii project under: protected/commands
- Edit protected/commands/PropertyConfig.php
- cd into protected
- run: php yiic.php property commands/PropertyConfig.php
- done
Where is the script?
Here:Sorry for not providing a downloadable format. If you poke me I would do it.
* PropertyCommand tries to add all properties from the database to your CActiveRecord classes
* also it will add some @method and will add the relations as properties
* Assumptions which are made:
* all use the same database
* every class has a "function tableName" with a default return '{table}' or return '{{table}}' inside
* the @property elements inside this defintion can all be deleted (protect yourself with appending (internal)
* the @method elements inside this defintion can all be deleted (protect yourself with appending (internal)
class PropertyCommand extends CConsoleCommand
public function getHelp()
return <<<EOD
yiic property <config-file>
* Execute the action.
* @param array command line parameters specific for this command
public function run($args)
$this->usageError('the configuration file is not specified.');
$this->usageError("the configuration file {$args[0]} does not exist.");
$config = require_once($args[0]);
// setup database
$connection = new CDbConnection($config['db_dsn'],$config['db_user'],$config['db_pass']);
$connection->tablePrefix = $config['db_prefix'];
$schema = $connection->getSchema();
// iterate all files
$files = CFileHelper::findFiles(realpath($config['sourcePath']), $config['pathOptions']);
foreach($files as $file)
// only look at files inside /models/ directory
if (strpos($file, '/models/') === false)
$className = str_replace('.php', '', basename($file));
$content = file_get_contents($file);
$tableName = $this->extractTableName($content, $config['db_prefix']);
if (!$tableName)
echo $file.' couldn\'t find tableName'."\n";
$table = $schema->getTable($tableName);
$properties = $this->getProperties($table->columns);
$relationProperties = $this->getRelationProperties($className, $content);
$this->checkProperties($className, $properties, $relationProperties);
$docstring = '';
$docstring.= $this->getPropertiesDocstring($properties);
$docstring.= $this->getPropertiesDocstring($relationProperties);
$docstring.= $this->getMethodsDocstring($className);
$content = $this->applyDocstring($className, $content, $docstring);
file_put_contents($file, $content);
// returns the tablename from a class
protected function extractTableName($content)
// find the function for the tableName
$pos = strpos($content, 'function tableName');
// extract the function body
$funcBody = substr($content, $pos, strpos($content, ';', $pos));
if (preg_match('/(\'|")(\{{1,2}([^\}]+)\}{1,2})(\'|")/', $funcBody, $matches))
$tablename = $matches[2];
return $tablename;
return '';
// maps all db columns to name=>type array
protected function getProperties($columns)
$allMaps = array(
'tinyint(1)'=>'bool', // this guess could be wrong sometimes
$properties = array();
foreach ($columns as $col)
$found = false;
foreach ($allMaps as $type=>$map)
if (isset($map[$col->$type]))
$properties[$col->name] = $map[$col->$type];
$found = true;
if (!$found)
return $properties;
protected function getPropertiesDocstring($properties)
$docstring = '';
foreach ($properties as $name=>$type)
$docstring .= sprintf(' * @property %s %s'."\n", $type, $name);
return $docstring;
// returns all relations which it could transform into a property
protected function getRelationProperties($className, $content)
// find the function for relations
$pos = strpos($content, 'function relations(');
// extract the function body (it is expected that the function just contains the return array(.. ); in the default style
// also each relation must be on one line
$startArray = strpos($content, 'return', $pos);
$endArray = strpos($content, ');', $startArray);
if ($pos === false || $startArray === false || $endArray === false)
echo $className.": No relations found\n";
return array();
$funcBody = substr($content, $startArray, $endArray);
// only 'users' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'User',
// is matched
if (preg_match_all('/(\'|")([^\'"]+)(\'|")\s*=>\s*array\(\s*self::([a-zA-Z_]+)\s*,\s*(\'|")([^\'"]+)(\'|")/', $funcBody, $matches))
$properties = array();
// mapping maps to a type or "match" which says, it should take the object from the matches
$mapping = array(
'STAT'=>'int', // TODO is that right?
foreach (array_keys($matches[0]) as $k)
$rel = $matches[4][$k];
if (!isset($mapping[$rel]))
die("mapping $rel doesnt exist");
$type = $mapping[$rel];
if ($type == 'match')
$type = $matches[6][$k];
$properties[$matches[2][$k]] = $type;
return $properties;
echo $className.": Strange relations Format or empty\n";
return array();
// a small helper which looks if your relations overlap the db fields
protected function checkProperties($className, $propA, $propB)
foreach ($propB as $name=>$type)
if (isset($propA[$name]))
echo $className.' has duplicate db and relations properties'."\n";
// apply a docstring - would remove if @method/@property exists before
protected function applyDocstring($className, $content, $docstring)
// 1. search where class definition begins
// 2. search above for a docstring
// true) search for existing @property and delete them
// false) create one
// 3. insert properties
if (!preg_match('/(class [^ ]+ extends )/m', $content, $matches))
die("could not find a class definition for ".$className);
$classString = $matches[1]; // contains something like "class User extends "
$pos = strpos($content, $classString);
// now look above if we have a docstring or comment
$endComment = strrpos($content, '*/', (-1)*(strlen($content)-$pos));
if ($endComment === false)
$content = substr_replace($content, "/**\n * Autogenerated for $className\n*/\n", $pos, 0);
// look if there are already @property or @method inside and remove them
$startComment = strrpos($content, '/*', (-1)*(strlen($content)-$endComment));
$commentBlock = substr($content, $startComment, $endComment);
$commentBlock = $this->removePropertiesAndMethods($commentBlock);
$content = substr_replace($content, $commentBlock, $startComment, $endComment);
// it is quite possible that the position has changed - so search again
$pos = strpos($content, $classString);
$endComment = strrpos($content, '*/', (-1)*(strlen($content)-$pos));
if (substr($content, $endComment-1, 2) == ' *')
// add docstring before endComment
$content = substr_replace($content, $docstring, $endComment, 0);
return $content;
// removes all @property and @method from a docstring
protected function removePropertiesAndMethods($commentBlock)
if (preg_match_all('/\\n(\s*\*\s*@(property|method) [^ ]+\s(.*))/', $commentBlock, $matches))
$replaces = array();
foreach ($matches[1] as $match)
// an identifier to make some properties immutable
if (strpos($match, '(internal)') !== false)
// else remove the line
$replaces[] = $match."\n";
$commentBlock = str_replace($replaces, '', $commentBlock);
return $commentBlock;
// returns some CActiveRecord methods I use often with correct class return
protected function getMethodsDocstring($className)
$docstring = '';
$docstring.= ' * @method '.$className.'|CActiveRecord find()'."\n";
$docstring.= ' * @method '.$className.'|CActiveRecord findByPK()'."\n";
$docstring.= ' * @method '.$className.'|CActiveRecord findByAttributes()'."\n";
return $docstring;
return array(
// the path from where the script should search everything
// following command would search inside protected/
// some options like exclude you might want to specify
// your db connection