ideas about an EAV model

I don't order my ideas after preference - more after they relate to each other - preference will be done later
But because EAV is a well defined term with well defined semantics i'm using entity, attribute and value extensively and when i haven't forgotten it mark them with underline to underline their meaning
  • classic EAV model - one table defines an entity that groups all attributes which define the name and type of the value


    disadvantage: quite complex - human side and mysql side so also performance not very well, error prone
    advantage: very dynamic,extensible and with a good api it can feel like a normal table
    human understandable: terrible without tools
  • Anonymous table (entity) consisting of, for example, 6 anonymous rows with datatype text,int,varchar and name val1,val2..
    The meaning (attribute) will be defined somewhere else and the value can be stored very easy inside


    disadvantage: not very dynamic.. limited to a predefined maximum of attributes
    memory overhead of unused columns
    values will be a bit obscured for a human - but not so much
    advantage:easy to implement and fast at all mysql-operations
    feels native
    human understandable: ok
  • Dynamic Anonymous table (entity) - like above but with a dynamic width (tables will be created at runtime - after what will be needed) - so if only 2*varchar is needed a table with 2*varchar is created.. when other data needs other sizes it will create other tables


    disadvantage: values will be quite much obscured for a human - cause finding one of the many tables
    extensibilty: what happens if the user needs 3*varchar after he populated a 2*varchar
    metadata is in many different tables:
    • primary key isn't unique across all tables (only when used together with transactions)
    • metadata like userid must be in each table.. if in future new metadata will be added this must be done for each existing table
    advantage:fast at all mysql operations - when working locally (just with a single table) it feels native
    human understandable: bad
  • JSON datafield - so all attributes will be json encoded.. this can be either done everytime as key:value storage or a onetime keystorage as array and then multiple arrays of values [key1,key2] and later data is [val1,val2] or even (but with this aproach we actualy could start throwing away the db) [[val1,val2],[val1,val2]]
    It's obvious that the key:value thing will be very dynamic and not bound to an entity (using still the eav-terms) cause each value is it's own entity too


    disadvantage: searching, selecting and reordering will be very slow.. since all fields must be parsed and json_evaled
    advantage: very dynamic
    human understandable: good - not so long json looks ok.. but also a small javascript helper could do the job - searching will be again a pain
  • attribute+value table with prototyping behaviour - so the table will mostly look like "key, type, value" - the type isn't realy needed it will specify wether it is int,bool,enum(option1,option2..) or something like that - key will just be the attribute and value is the value
    the entity will be fully described by a predefined set of rows (maybe just set the first one as dummy values)


    disadvantage:overhead through storing the key and type
    metadata should be stored somewhere else to reduce overhead
    advantage:prototyping is quite dynamicly efficient and funny - see javascript
    adding new entities can be easy depending on the way how the prototype is determined
    human understandable:when plainly updating a row it will be easy - adding a new one is hard since we have to find the prototype.. but could be ok if no existing keys won't throw exceptions
  • couchdb - a database which just uses the eav pattern and allows this easily


    right now I don't know much about it so perhaps this is biased
    disadvantage:probably no native yii-support
    2 different databases since I like to use yii for models and so on -> no joins possible
    doesn't run everywhere (but also this isn't so important
    advantage:new technology
    standardized interface
    very dynamic
    human understandable: very good since there exists documentation and tools
  • below that line are some no goes
  • hyper dynamic table creation
    basically each entity just will create it's own table - like a static eav..


    this sucks cause of all disadvantage of the Dynamic Anonymous table multiplied with the amount of new tables (since all disadvantages are related to many tables - and this idea realy will create many tables)